Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Little Updates

Our dossier has officially arrived to its destination in Ethiopia. It will now undergo the process of translation to Amharic, which my case worker tells me can take up to 3 weeks. This is not a big deal because she does not suspect that we will receive a referral for at least 3 months. I have seen some wait periods of other families from other agencies as long as 13 months! We have been assured that a wait period of that length for our agency would be unusual because they don't have the massive numbers of waiting families that larger agencies do. I sincerely hope and pray that our waiting period will be nowhere near that long as we have already been working on this for 16 1/2 months. For those who are willing, we would love if you would keep our family and our future Ethiopian children in your prayers as we wait to be united with them.

On a bright note, some of the amazing and wonderful women of the Army FRG (Family Readiness Group) for Alpha Co. IBOLC have been so kind and supportive of us and our adoption. They purchased a number of adoption fundraiser shirts today, which more than doubled our t-shirt sales. Thank you, Ladies!!


  1. I keep trying to make comments on here, we'll see if this works! I'm so glad the process is moving along! That must feel so wonderful! That's so cool that you got a ton of orders for shirts. I would definitely like one too if you have any left! I'm a medium (this is for after this belly is not quite so plump) and if you have any grey left, that would be amazing. I know you are probably low on supplies, and get what you can from the store, so I'm not going to be too picky...just saying if you have grey available, I'd love it! Anyway, you look so cute in the pictures of you sending off the dossier! I hope you're enjoying Matt being home for a little bit!!

  2. Hi, I'm Hannah. My mom was at the park with my little ones and met you this week. She passed along your blog info and I wanted to get in touch. I'm training for the R and R Savannah and Soldier Marathons in November. I'd love to meet you for a run! My email address is hlydiate@gmail.com.
